What Has Changed In Children Safeguarding In The Last 2 Years?

We are now well into the new academic year, and I hope you’ve all had a good start to term. I have finished my madcap few weeks that usually mark the beginning of September, which usually entail me flying across Bristol and beyond to fit in as much training as I can. I’ve already delivered …

My End Of Term Newsletter And New Training Brochure 2023-2024 From Mandy Parry Training

Hello everyone, hope this email finds you well. There may be many people opening this email who may have been wondering where I have been forthe last few months. The truth is, I have been hugely busy and unable to send out newsletters with the same level offrequency as in the past. My workload has …

New Training Brochure 2023-2024 for Mandy Parry Training

Hi there everyone The eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed that I have not issued a newsletter in some time. I’m afraid I have been so busy this term that I could not allocate the time to produce newsletters.  But I am taking pause right now to touch base with you all and to …

Overcoming Barriers to Children Disclosing Abuse

“How do you say what you don’t know? Words around sex and child sexual abuse are literally barriers to disclosure in that children do not have the words.” Mental health organisation “The repercussions are huge, threats to take children away, fear of losing everything and at the hands of white people who don’t understand my …

Would you know how to support children with family members in prison?

When he got arrested it caused loads of fights in the family. People were really upset with him again. Mum didn’t know at first until someone told her. I felt upset at first, and I missed him all the time. But I was ashamed and didn’t want to tell people. We never got any information …

Going to Court

What to do if you have to go to court I say in my safeguarding training that it is rare that a frontline member of the children’s workforce should be called on to attend court to safeguard a child. On the other hand, it is possible, and when it happens it is vital that individuals …

Keeping Children Safe in Education

Welcome to September 2021, which for many settings is the start of the next academic year, and a time of new beginnings. As a safeguarding trainer who supports the professional development of designated safeguarding leads (DSLs), I am aware of the sense of overwhelm that many of them experience. And the publishing of new key …

Peer on Peer

‘Around 9 in 10 of the girls we spoke to said that sexist name calling and being sent unwanted explicit pictures or videos happened ‘a lot’ or ‘sometimes.  Inspectors were also told that boys talk about whose ‘nudes’ they have and share them among themselves like a ‘collection game’, typically on platforms like WhatsApp or …

Do you need Safeguarding Supervision?

‘The DSLs interviewed invariably described the programme as ’excellent’, ’great’ …‘very useful’ and ‘valuable’. In one instance the programme was perceived as a ‘life-saver’ as that DSL had been ‘almost on my knees’ due to an increasing workload as a result of her DSL duties. …DSLs felt they now made fewer inappropriate contacts to children’s …

What Safeguarding training do you need?

It’s that time when I finalise my safeguarding training offer for the next academic year. The new MPT brochure for 2021 – 2022 is now ready for your perusal. Included are my main offerings, Safeguarding Awareness, and Advanced Safeguarding for Designated Safeguarding Leads. These are the courses I am asked by settings to deliver to …