FAQs about my safeguarding training

My safeguarding courses are designed to be relevant for anyone who works or volunteers with children.  All of my courses can be run on an in-house basis, where I can deliver the training to staff in your setting on your premises, or in a local venue arranged by you, or online. Just contact me discuss your requirements. 

There is no limit on numbers for in-house training; I can train any size team on the understanding that a large audience means that there may be less time for individual questions to be answered. 

My open courses take place online for individuals from different settings. Open courses can be especially helpful and cost-effective for staff members who come from small teams, or for individual staff members who have missed out on their setting’s in-house training for any reason, or for staff who have specific safeguarding responsibilities. 

All my open safeguarding courses are now delivered in partnership with Delegated Services.

To ensure you don’t miss out on reminders about upcoming training, along with important updates relating to safeguarding (and related) guidance and policies, make sure you’re signed up to the Mandy Parry Training mailing list by emailing me at mandyparrytraining@gmail.com and I will add you.

What safeguarding training do we need? 

I am frequently asked exactly what safeguarding training is needed for staff who work with children in registered settings like schools and nurseries. Using statutory guidance, I think this is the essential safeguarding training staff should have: 

1. Safeguarding induction training (child protection, staff safeguarding code of conduct, behaviour management, children missing in education, and the identity of the DSL) 

2. Safeguarding awareness training for all staff (understanding the indicators of abuse an awareness of a range of different types of abuse, including online abuse, child sexual exploitation, county lines, sharing of nude images, drug taking, alcohol misuse, deliberately missing education) 

3. Designated safeguarding lead (DSL) and deputy DSL training 

4. Safer recruitment training for recruitment panels 

5. Prevent training (essential for DSLs) 

6. FGM training 

7. Supervision for safeguarding leaders 

8. Online safety 

9. Child on child abuse 

10. Training for designated teachers 

What about unregistered settings? 

If staff are working with children in unregistered settings, I would advise that setting to be guided by the statutory recommendations above. 

What level training should we have? 

Another issue I am often asked about is the matter of ‘levels’ – people request training at Level 1 or 2 or 3 (or even higher!). In fact, there are no nationally agreed levels of safeguarding training (apart from within the health services who have their own unique training programme) – so talk of levels is generally misleading and confusing. Safeguarding training should focus on content rather than levels.

How often should we have training? 

The most recent update of the statutory guidance, Keeping Children Safe in Education (2024) says that all staff should receive safeguarding updates ‘at least annually’. Each setting then needs to decide for itself what that updating should consist of. Some settings organise annual formal safeguarding training for all members of staff – others decide the annual updates should be briefings or emails and organise their in-house training refreshers. Other settings decide to offer safeguarding training every three years (as former guidance advised). The decision of how often to book external safeguarding training should be based on the safeguarding needs of the setting, the competencies of the staff, and pace of national and local changes to safeguarding laws, guidance and practice. The designated safeguarding leads and their deputy/ies will require training every two years. 

What sort of training do you offer? 

I deliver my training in a range of different ways: 

(i) Inhouse training for one setting, where all the participants are members of the same team. Sometimes settings combine their inhouse training with other settings to keep down costs. If this interests you, contact me directly to arrange a time that is best for you. Inhouse courses can be delivered face to face where I will deliver the training in your chosen venue or using online technology. Training delivered face to face costs slightly more than online training.

(ii) Open courses, where the times are scheduled throughout the academic year and where individuals from different settings can learn together. My open courses are all organised through Delegated Services and are all online.

Why train with me? 

My training is quality assured. I satisfy all the Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership training standards. These standards include effective performance in a number of different areas, including: client liaison, trainer knowledge, learning outcomes and evaluation.

As a small training provider, I can create bespoke courses to suit the specific needs of your setting.

I aim to deliver within your timescale, so you won’t be waiting months for training.

I offer online training, so we can deliver to settings anywhere in the country.

I can train as many people as your venue can hold, or online. Having no limit on participant numbers can be extremely cost effective for settings with a large number of staff. 

Want a safeguarding course that isn’t described here?

All our courses have been designed to address the needs of our customers. If you need training on another aspect of safeguarding children that isn’t currently covered by one of our existing courses, contact me directly. It may be possible to design one to suit your needs.

All MPT open safeguarding courses are now delivered in partnership with Delegated Services:


To sign up to any MPT open course organised in partnership with Delegated Services, email Shelley Brown: shelley.brown@delegatedservices.org