11. Contextual safeguarding

Contextual safeguarding

A new course designed to make this relatively new approach to safeguarding accessible to all. The course aims to help participants gain a thorough understanding of why contextual safeguarding is important and how it can increase our ability to protect children against extra familial risk.

Key outcomes

  • Understand the theory of contextual safeguarding, its origins and development, principally that it has been developed as an approach to extra-familial harm;
  • Learn about the principles of contextual safeguarding including its four domains;
  • Practice skills by exploring case studies; and
  • Reflect on the benefits and challenges of contextual safeguarding in regard to the needs of your setting.

To book in-house training for your team contact: mandyparrytraining@gmail.com

To book on an open course contact: shelley.brown@delegatedservices.org

Thursday 25 November 2021 Contextual safeguarding

Tuesday 5 July 2022 Contextual safeguarding