Safeguarding Consultancy Services
I offer a range of safeguarding consultancy support services, outlined below. If you have any queries, or wish to discuss your requirements, please do not hesitate to contact me.
a. Safeguarding audits
My safeguarding audits aim to be a supportive service for registered and unregistered settings. They can be an important tool for schools and other settings to help them ensure their full compliance with Ofsted’s ‘Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings’ and the statutory guidance ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’. A supportive audit can be a great way for settings to prepare for a visit from Ofsted. A typical safeguarding audit from me consists of the following:
• Check of safeguarding information on the website and the safeguarding policy
• A visit from me, which involves a site assessment and interviews with key safeguarding staff, volunteers and service users. Typically, this will include the head/principal, designated safeguarding lead and deputy, a teacher, safeguarding governor and Chair of governors, manager of the single central record and a small group of children.
• A written report will be supplied within 2 weeks of the audit taking plan, with a prioritised list of recommendations for action. Further actions may include a recommendation for a deeper dive into other aspects of the setting’s safeguarding practice.
b. Policy review and development
I can provide a flexible and high quality consultancy service to help settings develop a wide range of safeguarding policies. These policies may include: admissions, behaviour, safeguarding code of conduct, complaints, confidentiality, domestic violence, e-Safety, equal opportunities, escalation, induction, recruitment and selection, staff supervision, training and whistleblowing.
c. Subscription safeguarding service
I can offer a full safeguarding subscription service for settings, offering them a fully responsive telephone and email support service. I offer advice concerning the development of safeguarding policy and procedures and safer management of incidents.
d. Non-managerial safeguarding supervision
As a former manager, qualified coach, and experienced trainer in effective supervision, I am now confident to be able to offer regular non-managerial safeguarding supervision sessions for safeguarding leaders in schools and other settings. Supervision is a formalised series of meetings that aims to constantly improve safeguarding practice. Supervision is fluid, developing and a person-centred process. The support it can offer will be unique to the particular needs of the individual, but in general terms, safeguarding leaders find the following elements that can take place within supervision sessions extremely useful by providing support in the following ways:
• Create a safe, confidential space for self-reflection;
• Provide support and reduce stress;
• Reflect upon institutional and team dynamics; and
• Clarify development needs.
Note: Non-managerial safeguarding supervision takes place in the context of continuing professional development, training and support. Supervisees are expected to use their own professional judgement to make threshold decisions. Supervisees can seek advice about specific threshold decisions from their manager and the local referral agency (who may respond to anonymized enquiries).
Testimonial from James Wetz, Manager, Bristol Steiner School
‘We engaged Mandy Parry Training to undertake an audit of the School’s safeguarding processes. Mandy was responsive to the school’s needs, providing clear scoping of the work which needed to be undertaken, was flexible in adapting to the School’s requirements. We then commissioned Mandy to write a range of related safeguarding policies for the School. She attended to detail in a rigorous way, and completed the work within the agreed time frame and to budget. Overall the service we got was responsive, analytical, and demonstrated clarity. Our school now has a set of policies that can inform practice which will enable it to be compliant with all safeguarding requirements across all the School’s activities. This was an outstanding result for the budget that was agreed. We would recommend Mandy Parry training without reservation. This is a provider that is responsive, flexible, thorough and professional.’
Please Contact me to talk through your requirements.