5. How to manage a child’s disclosure of abuse

How to manage a child’s disclosure of abuse

This training was developed in response to requests from the children’s workforce and in partnership with the police. Aimed at every member of the children’s workforce, it provides practical guidance on managing children’s disclosures of abuse.

Key Outcomes

  • understand the key role that effective management of disclosure plays in safeguarding children;
  • become aware of professional responsibilities and limits regarding disclosure;
  • explore available evidence regarding disclosure;
  • practice safeguarding skills in order to effectively manage a child’s disclosure of abuse: what to say, what to ask and how to support the child; and
  • learn effective ways to record disclosure and other concerns.

To book in-house training for your team contact: mandyparrytraining@gmail.com

To book on an open course contact: shelley.brown@delegatedservices.org