1. Safeguarding Awareness

Safeguarding awareness

This absolutely essential course aims to provide participants with a working knowledge of child protection and safeguarding, and to act as a foundation and a springboard for further learning about the complexity of these issues. I always receive excellent feedback for this course, which aims to be engaging, practical and accessible to anyone who works with children and families.

Key outcomes

  • Define child protection, safeguarding and thresholds;
  • Explore key safeguarding values underpinned by current UK rights and legal framework, and key statutory guidance;
  • Define key categories of abuse, and explore the signs of abuse, including radicalisation;
  • Gain awareness of appropriate responses to children’s disclosure of abuse;
  • Outline correct procedures for recording, reporting and referral of safeguarding concerns’
  • Understand responsibilities concerning allegations of unsafe practice of professionals and volunteers; and
  • Action plan for next steps in development of safeguarding knowledge and skills.

To book in-house training for your team contact: mandyparrytraining@gmail.com

To book on an open course contact: shelley.brown@delegatedservices.org