Child criminal exploitation and county lines
A highly relevant course for members of the children’s workforce given the rise in incidence of child criminal exploitation across the country at the current time. The course aims to help participants gain a thorough understanding of what child criminal exploitation is and how we can protect against it, based on guidance, research and recent serious case reviews.
Key outcomes
- Develop a shared understanding of what is meant by child criminal exploitation (CCE) and county lines;
- Explore the links of CCE with other abuse and its effects on children and young people;
- Explore the signs of CCE;
- Understand reporting and referral of CCE to safeguarding services, including the role of contextual safeguarding;
- Develop awareness of the particular challenges of protecting children from CCE and recent research; and
- Action plan for your organisation.
To book in-house training for your team contact:
To book on an open course contact: