8. Prevent: Supporting establishments to comply with radicalisation and counter extremism responsibilities

Prevent: Supporting establishments to comply with radicalisation and extremism responsibilities

This practical, engaging and interactive training was designed to help participants understand the new Prevent duties that came into place with the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015. Participants will learn how to protect children and young people from radicalisation and extremism and to support staff to comply with the new duties imposed.

Key outcomes

  • Understand the duties placed on establishments by the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015;
  • Define what is meant by extremism, radicalisation, terrorism;
  • Explore ways to challenge extremism within your setting;
  • Gain awareness of recent developments in extremist ideologies;
  • Learn how to identify vulnerable and ‘at risk’ children and families, and report and refer any concerns; and
  • Explore useful resources.

To book in-house training for your team contact: mandyparrytraining@gmail.com

To book on an open course contact: shelley.brown@delegatedservices.org