Everything you need to know about Prevent in One Newsletter

Everything you need to know about Prevent in One Newsletter The Prevent agenda experienced a major refresh last year, and I’ve seen an increase in settings asking me for briefing sessions or simply advice on specific matters relating to radicalisation. If you feel that your knowledge of Prevent may need updating, I hope you find …

What is Pupil Premium Plus funding and how can it be used to support vulnerable pupils?

What is Pupil Premium Plus (PPP) funding and why is it in place? Children who’ve experienced trauma and loss in their early lives view the world through a different lens and need particular support to give them a chance to access (and hopefully thrive in) our current education system – see our earlier blog about …

What is Pupil Premium Plus funding and how can it be used to support vulnerable pupils?

What you NEED to know about contextual safeguarding

A few weeks ago I was honoured to deliver a keynote address at the Child Protection in Education 2018 Conference held by Optimus Education in Bristol. This was the second year the conference had been held in the City, and it provided another useful opportunity for Designated Safeguarding Leads and their colleagues to get up …

What you NEED to know about contextual safeguarding