Taking a Practical Approach to Prevent

As I enter a school I see a really lovely colourful display entitled ‘Fundamental British Values’. There are the headings – Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect and Tolerance for different faiths and beliefs – and posters and quotes from children about what these ideas mean to them in real life. Interestingly, …

Taking a Practical Approach to Prevent

Safeguarding Policies – What You Need to Know

Many settings have been able to take a break for a few weeks over the summer, while others have worked throughout August. However you have spent the last few weeks, September always seems to offer the opportunity to review and refresh practice in many respects. In terms of safeguarding, that may mean delivering refresher training …

Safeguarding Policies – What You Need to Know

Why Professionals Working with Vulnerable Children Need to Know About Attachment and Trauma

Latest figures from research, recently published by Queen’s University Belfast, and focused on effectiveness of nurture groups, found that about 60% of all children experience some form of loss, neglect, abuse or separation. Many of these children will not relate to the world in typical ways and they spend their day trying to ‘survive’, rather …

Why Professionals Working with Vulnerable Children Need to Know About Attachment and Trauma

What Are Fundamental British Values?

Last week I delivered Prevent awareness training and facilitated an interesting discussion on fundamental British values. Since 2015 all schools and registered childcare providers must have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. The Prevent Duty Guidance (2015) says that they should also: ‘build resilience by promoting fundamental British …

What Are Fundamental British Values?

Do You Know How to Manage a Direct Disclosure of Abuse?

I watched the moving BBC documentary ‘Abused’ last week. It highlighted for me the importance of correctly managing children’s direct disclosure of abuse. The programme followed a group of survivors of sexual abuse, and all had struggled painfully when talking about what had happened to them. Some had kept secrets for years. Some brave enough …

Do You Know How to Manage a Direct Disclosure of Abuse?