Everything you need to know about Prevent in One Newsletter

Everything you need to know about Prevent in One Newsletter The Prevent agenda experienced a major refresh last year, and I’ve seen an increase in settings asking me for briefing sessions or simply advice on specific matters relating to radicalisation. If you feel that your knowledge of Prevent may need updating, I hope you find …

What Has Changed In Children Safeguarding In The Last 2 Years?

We are now well into the new academic year, and I hope you’ve all had a good start to term. I have finished my madcap few weeks that usually mark the beginning of September, which usually entail me flying across Bristol and beyond to fit in as much training as I can. I’ve already delivered …

Are you safeguarding for good mental health?

The current definition of Safeguarding is inclusive, ambitious and broad. It is not a concept that is interchangeable with Child Protection, rather it includes Child Protection (this is one of the most common misconceptions we encounter in our work). Safeguarding includes any aspect of care or engagement of children and young people that enables them …

Are you safeguarding for good mental health?

What would children vote for?

You may have missed it, but recently amongst all the political mayhem, and ahead of what seems like an imminent General Election, the Children’s Commissioner Anne Longfield launched her ‘Children’s Manifesto’, setting out what young people want. What is the role of the Children’s Commissioner? The role of Children’s Commissioner is to promote and protect …

What Ofsted will need to know about supervision in your setting

It’s September and a range of settings are asking me what changes have taken place in the range of statutory safeguarding guidance they know they must comply with. Well, the good news is that, compared to last year, changes have been minimal. ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ (2018) remains the same. ‘Keeping Children Safe in …

Are your staff getting their MANDATORY safeguarding induction training?

This time of year is the start of work for many new members of staff across the children’s workforce. Along with entrance codes, photocopying keys and how the tea and coffee supplies are organised, there is also the need to ensure that every induction should include training on safeguarding for each new staff member. Induction …

Are your staff getting their MANDATORY safeguarding induction training?

My Ten Most Common Safeguarding Mistakes…

I have been delivering safeguarding training since 2006, and in that time have seen the range of settings I provide support for work extremely hard to satisfy their statutory safeguarding responsibilities, making the welfare of children they work with their paramount concern. Despite the great efforts of a great many professionals though, I see the …

My Ten Most Common Safeguarding Mistakes…

What do we need to know about Children Missing From Education?

‘Child A (2000) was 12 when the risk of sexual exploitation became known. She was associating with a group of older Asian men and possibly taking drugs. She disclosed having had intercourse with 5 adults. Two of the adults received police cautions after admitting to the Police that they had intercourse with Child A. Child …

What do we need to know about Children Missing From Education?

What you NEED to know about contextual safeguarding

A few weeks ago I was honoured to deliver a keynote address at the Child Protection in Education 2018 Conference held by Optimus Education in Bristol. This was the second year the conference had been held in the City, and it provided another useful opportunity for Designated Safeguarding Leads and their colleagues to get up …

What you NEED to know about contextual safeguarding