Would You REALLY Know How to Manage a Child’s Disclosure of Abuse?

To introduce as many professionals as we can to our fantastic new training on Managing Disclosure, we are inviting you to take advantage of a SPECIAL EARLY BIRD OFFER! Book your tickets here (deadline 8th March). ‘What questions can you actually ask a child that won’t ‘taint evidence’?’ ‘Can the DSL ask questions too after …

Would You REALLY Know How to Manage a Child’s Disclosure of Abuse?

Peer Abuse Update: Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Between Children

  ‘Children can abuse other children. This is generally referred to as peer on peer abuse and can take many forms. This can include (but is not limited to) bullying (including cyberbullying); sexual violence and sexual harassment; physical abuse such as hitting, kicking, shaking, biting, hair pulling, or otherwise causing physical harm; sexting and initiating/hazing …

Peer Abuse Update: Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Between Children

The Mistakes We Make About Neglect

A few weeks ago I attended a very useful briefing on neglect and a new assessment tool in Bristol available to practitioners that will help them assess the risk of neglect. The session developed my knowledge of the subject and offered a practical method to understand and evaluate the harm that neglect imposes on children …

The Mistakes We Make About Neglect

How to Challenge Cultural Abuse Effectively

Bristol as a culturally diverse region Bristol is the tenth largest city in the UK, with a rapidly growing child population. It is often ranked as one of the happiest ,most creative, and most culturally diverse places to live. There are 91 different languages spoken from 180 countries, 45 different religions, and currently 22% of …

How to Challenge Cultural Abuse Effectively

Peer Abuse: Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Between Children

Schools and other settings tell me a lot of their work around safeguarding is taken up with dealing with allegations made by children about other children. Recent headlines have informed us that peer abuse is rising. Last year it was reported that almost 30,000 reports of children being sexually assaulted by another child have been …

Peer Abuse: Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Between Children

Has at Least One Member of Your Setting Who Sits on Recruitment Panels Been Trained in Safer Recruitment?

I often repeat the phrase during training that ‘People who seek to sexually abuse children will seek work which means they have increased access to children.’ Part of creating a culture of vigilance means ensuring that all the pre-employment and ongoing checks we carry out on staff and volunteers are carried out as a matter …

Has at Least One Member of Your Setting Who Sits on Recruitment Panels Been Trained in Safer Recruitment?

What Do We Mean by Child-Centred Safeguarding?

In 2000 in London, an eight-year-old girl from the Ivory Coast, Victoria Climbié, was tortured and murdered by her guardians. During the abuse, Climbié was burnt with cigarettes and scalded with boiling water, tied up for days, and hit with bike chains, hammers and wires. Up to her death, the police, the Social Services Department of four local authorities, the NHS, …

What Do We Mean by Child-Centred Safeguarding?

What Do You Need to Know About Fabricated and Induced Illness Syndrome?

My Safeguarding: Basic Awareness training is an opportunity to learn about and discuss a range different types of abuse with the aim of ensuring participants are better prepared to spot potential risks to children. One of the most challenging types of abuse in terms of understanding and awareness is Fabricated and Induced Illness Syndrome. Fabricated and …

What Do You Need to Know About Fabricated and Induced Illness Syndrome?